Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome Back Torches

September has arrived!
Our classroom blog is up and running! My objective for this blog is to keep you informed and up to date with what's going on in our classroom.  My goal is to create posts based on what we are learning and post pictures of student work to give you an idea of what happens throughout the day in 3P.  I may also share educational and inspirational video clips from time to time. Although new posts may not occur daily, I will do my best to keep current with what we are covering and use the blog as an added means of communication between school and home.  As the blog moderator I am the only person able to post to this blog.  You as the viewer will have the ability to read and view all posts but can not post comments.  Our classroom blog does not replace your child's agenda. Homework and assignment due dates may not always be posted to the blog.  Please continue to check your child's agenda periodically throughout the week. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our classroom blog please notify me through the agenda.  We have discussed in class the importance of always asking a parent, or adult beforing logging on to the Internet.
Mrs. L Plante

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