Monday, September 15, 2014

Numeracy- Patterning and Algebra

Our first strand for Numeracy (area of focus) is Patterning and Algebra. We are off to a great start and all students are capable of making a line patterns using shapes with different features.

According the Ontario Curriculum students will (by the end of grade 3)...

  • describe, extend and create a variety of numeric patterns and geometric patterns.
  • identify extend and create a repeating pattern involving 2 attributes (features).
  • identify and describe number patterns involving addition and subtraction.
  • extend repeating, growing and shrinking number patterns.
For the next few weeks this will be our major area of focus. For those students with different learning goals, please refer to their IEP's to see the goals determined for this specific strand. Please know that while they primary goals are that of the IEP they will also be exposed to other elements within the strand as well but will not be assessed on them.

As always if you have any questions please let me know via agenda or phone.

We are currently waiting for additional grade 3 math textbooks to arrive. Until then, if you'd like to assist your child at home with extra math practice they can work on single and double digit addition and subtraction.  This skill is extremely important in all areas of numeracy and student need to become very efficient/automatic with their addition and subtraction facts. Our next strand will be Number Sense.

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