Thursday, September 18, 2014

Guided Reading / Independent Seat Work

Each day for approximately 40 minutes during Literacy students participate in Guided Reading. During this valuable time your child is doing one of two things: Guided Reading or Independent Seat Work. Please read a quick description for both.

Guided Reading  Guided reading is an instructional approach that involves a teacher working with a small group of students who demonstrate similar reading behaviors and can all read similar levels of texts. The text (book, magazine, article) is easy enough for students to read with a teacher's guidance and support. The text offers challenges and opportunities for problem solving and understanding, but is easy enough for students to read with some fluency. The teacher chooses the reading selections to help students expand their strategies.

Independent Seat Work - Students who are not actively participating in Guided Reading use this time to work on different learning tasks independently. The strategies the practice are always introduced to the class as a whole group and are based on our monthly Literacy focus. It is an opportunity to practice vocabulary, grammar, word study, guided reading tasks, reading comprehension strategies, media literacy and oral communication among other things. Students are responsible for completing their tasks with in the given time frame independently.

*Students are responsible for their learning during this time as I am always working with a small group of readers*

students know it is their job to :
1) work independently 
2) work with out distraction (or distracting others)

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