Monday, October 7, 2013

Show What You Know Review Answers

We were side-tracked today with pictures and didn't get as far as I would have liked to with our math review. To save time, I've posted the answers to the assigned questions for tonight. In class, we'll discuss our solutions but will do it briefly as many are application based.

1. One thousand forty-nine

3. 6526 - Thousand: 7000, Hundred: 6500, Tens: 6430

5. Answers will vary depending on strategy (front end estimation or rounding)
a) 700 + 200 = 900
b) 300 - 200 = 100
c) 200 + 400 = 600
d) 600 - 200 = 400
e) 300 + 600 = 900
 f) 900 - 500 = 400

7. 2000 is an estimate.
 I know because if I add exactly the answer will be different.
There will not be 0's in the ones or tens column.
 That is how I know 2000 is an estimated number.

a) 1333
b) 800
c) 502
d) 8554

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