Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Numeracy - Patterning & Algebra (Patterns in Numbers)

Students can expect to get their math tests back later on in the week as there a still a few students who need to write.  Our next strand is Patterning and Algebra. The student recognize this strand as Patterns in Numbers.

The Expectations for this strand are
...By the end of grade 4 students will:

  • describe (the pattern rule), extend and create a variety (growing and shrinking) of numeric patterns.
  • make predictions related to the patterns (...the next 5 terms in this pattern will be...)
  • demonstrate and understanding of equality of pairs of expressions using addition, subtraction and multiplication.
Student MUST refresh their multiplication facts to be successful with understanding equality of pairs using multiplication
5x4 = 10x2
  20 = 20

It is expected that by the end of grade 3 student know their multiplication facts up to 8 x 8. If your child is not currently proficient to this level then nightly practice is recommended. 

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