Monday, October 28, 2013

Patterning and Algebra review

Students are currently preparing for our Patterning and Algebra assessment (test) on October 30th.
Students have been practicing:
1. Identifying what the pattern is and determining  the pattern rule.
2. Creating their own pattern according to their own pattern rule.
3. Showing a pattern using  a T-chart
4. Solving addition and subtraction equations.

In review, student can complete the following questions in their text.
page 25 # 2, 3, 5, 6.

Students can also review the algebra questions on page 22 (heart equation) and page 23 1 and 3.

Students have been preparing and seem to have a good grasp of both patterns and equations. I am confident that all cross country athletes will be prepared to write. If you have concerns, please let me know through your child's agenda.

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