Monday, October 7, 2013

Math Test Thursday Oct 10th

Each Math Test is broken down into 3 sections:
Part A: Evidence of Application
Part B: Evidence of Understanding Concepts
Part C: Evidence of Problem Solving
*students are assessed for Communication in every section*

To help understand the types of questions for each section please refer to the Show What You Know pages in your child's workbook for Unit 2.

Q # 3-6, 8, 9, 11 &12 provide evidence of Application (Part A)
Q # 1,2,7 and 10 provide evidence of understanding concepts (Part B)
Q # 13 provides evidence of Problem Solving (Part C)

When we practice solving a word problem in class this is what we do.

1) Look for 'operation' word clues (sum, difference, how many more, how much further...)
2) Think about the problem they are asking you to solve. What is the question?
3) Look for the numbers in the problem (list them) and think about what operation should be tried.
4) Provide evidence of math (show and complete your calculations to the best of your ability)
5) Think about how you can prove that your answer is correct (using words, estimating, check by +).
6) Think about a closing sentence that answers the question directly.

More time should be spent preparing for Part B and Part C as they present the biggest challenges. Students can prepare by re-visiting and reviewing how they solved the challenging word problems from different lesson from the unit.

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