Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sound Assignment

For Science, we have been learning about the human ear and how we hear sound. Students read about it in their text books and we also watched a Bill Nye (the Science guy) video on Tuesday. For class everyone needs to prepare (and perform) a short 'Bill Nye' type report about how humans hear sounds. Presentations will begin next week. Simple costumes and props are encouraged as we will be recording some star perfromances.  Students know that memorization is not required but strong knowledge of content is encouraged. Many are co-writing a script however, each individual student needs to know the steps involved. Below is a condensed version of how we hear sound however, students know where to look in their science text books for a more detailed description.

How we hear sound...

  • outer ear funnels sound towards our ear canal
  • sound waves (vibrations) push against your ear drum
  • vibrations continue through the 3 (tiny) bones of the middle ear
  • vibrations reach the cochlea (inner ear) and move through liquid and tiny hairs
  • nerve ending transmit the vibrations from the cochlea to the brain

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