Monday, November 18, 2013


By the end of grade 4 in Geometry students will:
  • identify quadrilaterals and three-dimensional figures and classify them by their geometric properties.
  • compare the angles found in quadrilaterals to benchmark angles (right, acute, obtuse)
  • construct 3 dimensional figures using 2 dimensional shapes (example using squares to construct a cube)
Right now we are using Venn Diagrams to classify and sort a variety of quadrilaterals. Students need to be able to identify all of them and must know their distinguishing features to sort successfully. 

When comparing and sorting these quadrilaterals we are focusing on their side lengths, types of angles, pairs of parallel lines, and diagonal lengths. Students are also encourage to look at 'opposites' when considering attributes.  For example, some quadrilaterals will have 'opposite' side lengths equal, or 'opposite' angles that are the same.

We are working in partners today to sort quadrilaterals. Please check back for picture posts soon.

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