Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Quadrilateral Kingdom - Final Geometry Assignment

There will be no formal 'test' for our Geometry strand of Math. Rather, student are busy (over the next 3 days) creating castles fit for a King and Queen (King Square and Queen Rhombus). Below is a copy of their in class assignment. Although you cannot physically help them complete the assignment you CAN  help them consider options and strategies for success by reading over the assignment requirements together.

Quadrilateral Kingdom - Grade 4 Geometry Assignment

A very wealthy king, King Square, has asked you to design a new castle for him and his queen, Queen Rhombus.  He wants his castle to have very clean lines, specific angles, and certain shapes.  He has hired you because you have succeeded in Mrs. Plante’s math class.  Your castle design may be drawn from above (bird’s eye view)  or from the front.  The design of your castle can be any shape, but it must include the following specifications:

You must include a minimum of the following shapes: 2 trapezoids, 2 parallelograms, 4 rectangles, 4 squares, 2 rhombuses and 2 kites.
You must measure and label a minimum of 3 acute angles, 4 right angles, and 3 obtuse angles (colour coding the angles may be helpful)
You must include 3 sets of congruent shapes
You must label 5 pairs of parallel sides

Your castle can include other shapes besides what has been listed above, but must include all of what is listed.  Be sure to label everything.  To add to the design element of your castle. Colours can be used for outlining, and shading.

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