Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Patterning and Algebra

Students can expect a patterning and algebra assessment (test) next week, most likely the 30th. I have decided to postpone the multiplication portion of algebra until our unit on Multiplication and Division. Students continue to work through addition and subtraction equations with some difficulty. Here are a few helpful tips if you find your child experiencing difficulty.

Equations show that 'things are equal'. What is on the left side of the equation is always equal to what is on the right side of the equation. The symbol that separates the 'left side' from the 'right side' is always an "=" sign. I often refer to equations as a fill in the blank number puzzles where they (as the detective) need to figure out which number is needed to 'fill in the blank'.

To help recognize the possibilities in an equation we practice number patterns. The number patterns build the blocks for equations.  Here is an example for the number 12(+) and 7(-)

0 + 9 = 9                   7 - 0 = 7
1 + 8 = 9                   7 - 1 = 6
2 + 7 = 9                   7 - 2 = 5
3 + 6 = 9                   7 - 3 = 4
4 + 5 = 9                   7 - 4 = 3
5 + 4 = 9                   7 - 5 = 2
6 + 3 = 9                   7 - 6 = 1
7 + 2 = 9
8 + 1 = 9
9 + 0 = 9

* students are always encouraged to think beyond using 0's to create equations*

There are several examples of equations in your child's MMS textbook.

Here is a fun challenge for your child. Test it out! Speed and accuracy are excellent tools for solving addition and subtraction equations.

Algebra Practice Addition

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