Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Checking with addition

For the past few days we have been working on solving subtraction questions. There are a few 'tips' that we have been repeating while we practice. If your child is experiencing difficulty with borrowing they may need extra assistance at home. Some options might be to begin with 2 digit numbers and work your way up from there. If they are truly struggling, please let me know via agenda.

#1) The largest number in the question is ALWAYS the number you subtract from.
(-"it goes first", or "it goes on top")

#2) look for words or phrases like 'difference', 'subtract', 'how many more', 'what is the difference between' ...they are all word clues that tell you to subtract.

Also students learned today that they could check the accuracy of their subtraction by using addition as a 'helper'. For example: 10 -3 = 7, to check with addition we add 7 + 3 = 10 if all the numbers are the same then they have subtracted properly.

Here's a second example using 3-digits.

      654 - 132 = 522, to check with addition, 522 + 132 = 654. Again all of the numbers are the same! 

*this strategy is also helpful in demonstrating the relationship between adding and subtracting*

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