Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Homework Help! - Patterning

Students worked with patterns today. We spent time trying to figure out what the 'pattern rule' was for a variety of different patterns. Although this is not a new concept, many students have forgotten from last year. 
Below are some helpful tips to consider when trying to determine the 'pattern rule'.

Step One: Look at the pattern and ask yourself - Is it Growing, Shrinking, or Repeating?

                 If it is growing : Ask yourself... Is it growing because of addition or multiplication?

                 Hint (if it is growing because of multiplication the terms will grow to higher numbers                          faster).

                 If it is shrinking: Ask yourself...Is it shrinking because of subtraction?

                 If it is repeating: Ask yourself ...What is the core?

Step Two: Once you have determined the type of pattern (growing, shrinking, repeating) you need to figure                     out how much your patterns numbers are growing from term to term.
                  Hint: ( for help, use a 'bridge' between your terms )

Step Three: Once you have determined how your terms are changing you need to write the pattern rule.
                     A pattern rule always begins with the starting term in your pattern.
                     Example:  Rule: Start at 7. Add 4 to each term.
                                       Pattern: 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31

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