Thursday, September 19, 2013

Helpful Links

Nelson Math Link

The newly added 'Nelson' Math Link provides you with a small but resourceful bank of quizzes for each of the topics we've covered so far in math. The quizzes are quick and useful if you'd like to check-in on how your child performs independently with specific key concepts.

When you visit the site click the "Try it Out" icon. There you will find a list of different Math Strands. Currently we are working with Numeration.  Each lesson has a small quiz. The quizzes are not overly in depth but do address key basics for the Grade 4 Curriculum. Proficiency in 'the basics' leads to more success when solving more challenging application related problems.

Also, the Nelson Math Link can be found on the Student Portal 'doors' for grades 2,3 and 4 which is a nice feature if your child needs additional exposure and practice.

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