Monday, September 23, 2013

Estimating Sums

In Math we have been working on estimating.  Estimating is a valuable life skill that is used in the 'real world' all the time. It is important that students learn to estimate. In class we have learned two ways to create estimates. When a question asks...."ABOUT how much?", it is an estimation question. When a questions asks "Estimate for the SUM", it is an estimation question.

1. Front End Estimation
2. Estimate by Rounding

Examples and explanations of both strategies can be found on page 39/40 of the text. We worked on some questions today but many have a very difficult time using either of the strategies to estimate. When working on tonight's homework. I need to see 'evidence' of rounding. Below is an example of what that might look like.

Question: 456 + 723 = ? 

Front End Estimating

400 + 700 = 1100
My estimate is 1100.


Estimate by Rounding

500 + 700 = 1200
My estimate is 1200.

*both methods (front end and rounding) of estimating are acceptable.

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