Thursday, October 6, 2016

Estimation Challenge

Once a week our class takes on an Estimation Challenge . I set up a clear container and fill it with something. Together we discuss what a reasonable estimate may be for the total amount.  Almost like a carnival Guessing Jar. It is a fun and effective way to practice our Spatial Reasoning Skills. In order to have a close estimation, students must think hard about the shape and size of the figure. They also must consider how full the estimation jar is. Today, we tried it for the first time and Ethan was our strongest estimator! Cohen and Swedlan were also quite close.  Ethan's estimate of 38 was just one over our total (it was 37). Cohen and Swedlan both estimated 40. Stay tuned for the next challenge.

Here, Jirou and Austin are VERIFYING by counting the items from the jar.

Ethan was very accurate with an estimate of 38! Way to go Ethan. 

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