Monday, September 19, 2016

Our Literacy Block

We being every day with Literacy. Thank you for sending your children on time, well rested and prepared to start the day. Our classroom looks different throughout the day especially during Literacy. Many things are happening at the same time and students are required to work on their own while I am meeting daily with small 'guided reading groups'.

We usually start off together collected as a whole group but quickly move to independent practice and guided reading. During this time, students are required to work in small groups or by themselves on a variety of different literacy tasks. This daily practice is very important. While they are working away, I am meeting with small groups. These small groups allows students to read pieces of text (stories, poems, articles, etc.) that directly relate to their individual reading level. Small group instruction gives me the opportunity to really see what your can do! Often times, in small groups, students are more willing to share their thoughts and opinions about what they read.

Take a look at the pictures below. You should notice different students working on different things at the same time.  Today, everyone did a fabulous job staying focused on their tasks!
Cohen and Matthew are writing sentences about their weekend.
Many students partnered up to practice making 'sight words'. 
Scarlett is exploring some books on EPIC books (
These students have different tasks but are all working well together!

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