Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Math Time!

Everyone was working hard today trying to solve today's math question. Today we looked at a very "OPEN" question. An "OPEN" question allows for MANY DIFFERENT CORRECT ANSWERS. Take a look at how our lesson progressed today.

First, I presented the kids with our question:

On a graph about pets owned by children in our class, I counted more dogs than cats. What might the graph look like?

Students then worked in partners to create their graphs.

Once, all of the graphs were completed, I chose 2 for us to view and discuss as a class.  We looked at Jirou and Scarlett's graph. It had a title, lables, and an accurate scale (left side). Also it was in line with our question and display's more dogs than cats.

Lastly, I pushed the thinking forward by asking if I was 'allowed' to add in labels for 'birds' and 'fish'. At first everyone said "no" but could not give me enough proof to explain why I couldn't.

 I added in the categories and we re-read the original question.  The class realized that it was okay for me to add extra labels as long as..."MY GRAPH SHOWS MORE DOGS THAN CATS" as stated in the question.

We will continue looking at different questions about data and graphing.

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