Friday, September 20, 2013

Story Maps

We are learning about the 'characterisitics' (features) of Narratives. On Thursday we spent time realizing that a Narrative always has the following 3 characterisitcs:

Plot: (the problem and solution)

This weekend students are asked to read any Narrative (fictional story book) and list the following:

This is an example:

Title: The Very Cranky Bear

Setting: Bear's Cave

Characters: Bear, Lion, Sheep, Moose and Zebra.

The problem is that bear wants to sleep and the other animals wake him up with their game.
The solution is that sheep uses his wool to make bear a comfy pillow so that he can fall back asleep.

*Students can even record the information they gather in the their agenda's. It's not intended to be overly detailed. We will be working on story maps this week.

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