Wednesday, September 11, 2013

MATH - Number Sense and Numeration

Our first math strand is Number Sense and Numeration (Whole Numbers to 10 000)

The overall expectations for this strand are as follows:
by the end of grade 4 students will...

  • solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of single and multi digit numbers.
  • read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 10 000. 

Over the next few weeks we will be practicing and working towards achieving these expectations. Our primary resource will be our Math Makes Sense textbook. However, other resources and supplementary hands-on activities will be included regularly. Students can always practice ordering numbers, rounding to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand, or single and multi-digit addition and subtraction (with carrying over and borrowing) at home with or with out their books!

During our daily 60 minute math block, we discuss and practice solutions to key questions and re-inforce strategies that are the most important and effective. We also focus on individual strategies as there are often several ways to arrive at a solution.  We do not 'take-up' every homework question as a class. There simply isn't enough time.  Rather, students are quizzed frequently and complete math journals and independent questions to demonstrate understanding. I also make a point to 'check-in' with small groups of students daily to ensure they are meeting their goals.

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