Friday, May 13, 2016

Hillman Marsh Outdoor Experience

On Wednesday the class headed out to Hillman Marsh for a valuable Outdoor Education Experience! We were blessed to have received an Outdoor Education Grant which covered all costs (approx. 18$/student)! It was a GREAT day of hands on learning for everyone. We had the very rare opportunity to see volunteers 'bird banding' local birds as well as the chance to observe many other birds and Marsh wildlife. There were a lot of pictures taken! Please enjoy some of them and don't forget to ask your child to explain what is happening in them. We learned a TONNE of information about plants, shore birds, pond insects, animals and habitat preservation. Hilllman Marsh is about 40 minutes away and is open to the public. Please visit the link below for additional information.

Hillman Marsh

Mr. Phil is leading us along the path as we begin our day.

Here, local volunteers carefully capture and band a wide variety of birds that live/migrate out to the marsh around this time every year. 

Everyone got the change to refine their binocular skills at this elevated look out point.

Students had the opportunity to observe Shore birds in a natural setting. It was neat to see them using the special beaks to pick the bugs from the muck.

Camoflauge at its best! How many Leopard Frogs can you see? 

Over the years, beavers have started to return to the area. 

Everyone had the opportunity to dip-net in the pond. Once they collected some specimens they could refer to the anchor chart provided to see what they had captured.

"Crayfish are awesome!" ~ Dominic

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