Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fractions in Action!

Today we practiced representing fractions using coloured squares and wipe boards. Students had to create their own fraction and then represent (write) that fraction on their wipe boards. Take a look at their success!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Amazing Animal Facts

The Grade 2 students are busy learning all about Animals. On Friday we had some fun learning a few facts! Did you know that a blue whale can grow to 30 meters in length! We measured out 30M in the hallway and we stretched out all the way to the JK classrooms!

We also discovered that a giraffe's tongue can extend up to 45 centimetres! Here are a few kids who tried to challenge the graceful giraffe!

Not even close Joseph!

Nice try Isaac! Maybe in a few years! 

Fraction Practice

Here is a link to a game that we played today during class. It allows the students to practice seeing equal parts (fractions) in a variety of shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles). We had a lot of fun exploring with it today. Be sure to watch them play a few rounds to check their success rate. If they are experiencing difficulty, please adjust their settings to 'slow' and sit with them through a few practice rounds.

Fraction Practice

Friday, May 20, 2016


It is the time of year where our Grade 3 students have the opportunity to share their successes through E.Q.A.O Testing. E.Q.A.O. Testing gives each individual student the chance to 'Show What They Know' ...something we have been working hard at all year. We practice 'Showing What We Know' every single day in a variety of subjects. It may not always be in the form of a test, however we are always working at producing our best work. Often times, students become nervous or anxious but it is our job as parents and teachers to help calm them so that they may be able to put their best efforts forward.

Some Helpful Tips:

Please remind your child that they have been working hard all year getting ready for EQAO.

Please remind your child about the successes that they have already experienced while in Grade 3. It may help to re-read their report cards, or have them show you a mark that they were very proud of.

Ask your child to tell you about a time (this year) where they were able to answer a very tricky question. Ask them about their plan, and how they felt afterwards.

It may also help to discuss 'sticking with it'. In life, all of us come across challenges. If we make a plan and stick with that plan, good things usually happen.

Below is our E.Q.A.O testing schedule (please know this could change)

Tuesday May 24, 2016  **Day One: Student Survey (completed by all grade 3s)
   Wednesday May 25, 2016**Day Two: AM Testing (9:00-10:30) , PM Testing (1:00-2:30)
Thursday May 26, 2016 ** Day Three: AM Testing (9:00-10:30), PM Testing (1:00-2:30)
Friday May 27, 2016 ** Day Four: AM Testing (9:00-10:30), PM Testing (1:00-2:30)

Oftentimes, students will complete their testing sections ahead of schedule. Also, student who require more time than scheduled will always receive it. 


Should you have any questions please contact the school or correspond through your child's agenda.

Monday, May 16, 2016

WJ Langlois Brushing Challenge

Today marks Day One for our Primary Division Tooth Brushing Challenge.  Each primary student will be bringing home a toothbrush and a tracking sheet where they will be able to record each time they brush their teeth.  Students will be asked to return their sheets in 2 weeks for an in-school check up. Good oral health is a very important part of maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. Feel free to forward pictures of your kids 'brushing away' to lauraplante@mytools2go.ca and I will happily forward them along to the Blog for everyone to see. Who knows...some of them may end up in our WJ Langlois Slide Show for the Month of May. Ready. Set. Brush!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Perimeter and Area

Students will be working all week on creating their 'petting zoo' blue prints. On Friday students began by creating a goat enclosure that was 32 square units. Many had successful strategies.

Bananagram Fun!

On Friday students worked together to create bananagram word clouds. Everyone had a lot of fun using their word knowledge and our primary dictionaries to create. Take a look!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Hillman Marsh Outdoor Experience

On Wednesday the class headed out to Hillman Marsh for a valuable Outdoor Education Experience! We were blessed to have received an Outdoor Education Grant which covered all costs (approx. 18$/student)! It was a GREAT day of hands on learning for everyone. We had the very rare opportunity to see volunteers 'bird banding' local birds as well as the chance to observe many other birds and Marsh wildlife. There were a lot of pictures taken! Please enjoy some of them and don't forget to ask your child to explain what is happening in them. We learned a TONNE of information about plants, shore birds, pond insects, animals and habitat preservation. Hilllman Marsh is about 40 minutes away and is open to the public. Please visit the link below for additional information.

Hillman Marsh

Mr. Phil is leading us along the path as we begin our day.

Here, local volunteers carefully capture and band a wide variety of birds that live/migrate out to the marsh around this time every year. 

Everyone got the change to refine their binocular skills at this elevated look out point.

Students had the opportunity to observe Shore birds in a natural setting. It was neat to see them using the special beaks to pick the bugs from the muck.

Camoflauge at its best! How many Leopard Frogs can you see? 

Over the years, beavers have started to return to the area. 

Everyone had the opportunity to dip-net in the pond. Once they collected some specimens they could refer to the anchor chart provided to see what they had captured.

"Crayfish are awesome!" ~ Dominic

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Bring on the BOOK FAIR!

On Friday we all got to take a sneak peek  at this week's Scholastic Book Fair. Take a look at some great buys.

Math Trials

In math class the other day we had a lot of fun working with meter sticks. Students had to preform fun tasks and then measure their distances. You may not have a meter stick around the house but a tape measure will work just as well. They especially enjoyed blowing cotton balls.