Monday, November 30, 2015

Way to go Selena!

Selena was out most successful estimator with our last attempt. Her estimate was only 14 off of the actual number of 114. Way to go Selena! 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Congratulations Jayden

Today the class was presented with a challenging estimation task. The items in the jar were all different shapes and sizes and there was also empty space that students had to account for. Jayden & (Mrs. Plante) were the closest today.

Friday, November 20, 2015

3-2-1: Non Fiction is FUN!

Over the past weeks we have been looking at different types of non-fiction text. We have also been looking for important text features that can be found to help us (the reader) decide if something is fiction or non-fiction. Here are some pictures of the class sharing facts they discovered using our 3-2-1 graphic organizer.

F.J. Brennan

As a former Cardinal, I was very happy to see the F.J. Brennan Jazz Band & Jazz Choir stop by the school for an excellent performance. All of the kids and staff really enjoyed hearing and seeing their talents.

Estimation Jar

Earlier this week Etana was our closest estimator! The students are really starting to think twice before making that final estimate. Check to see if they can explain how we Visualize, Verbalize, and Verify our estimates.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Representing Numbers

We have been working hard to show the value of numbers between 1-100 in more than one way. This goal is found in the Grade 2 and 3 curriculum. Today we represented numbers on a hundreds chart using:
~ standard form
~ rek'n'rek's
~ base ten blocks
~ in words
~ using a number line
~ base ten name
~ skip counting

To see where your child is at...choose any number between 0 and 100 and ask them to represent its value in more than one way. 
Jayden is using a rek'n'rek.

Jesse and Cameron are using Base Ten Blocks.

These students are practicing using words and Base Ten Names.

Thomas is using a rek'n'rek 

Selena was skip counting to represent the value of 35.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Estimation Jar Nov. 12

Congratulations to Cooper who was the winner today with our Estimation Jar. His estimate was 43 and the actual was 45! Great thinking Cooper!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Estimation Jar

We have started using an 'Estimation Jar' in hopes of improving how we estimate different items. 
A special congratulations goes out to Dominic and Cameron for estimating the EXACT number of items in our jar. Was it beginner's luck? We'll have to see how well the do next time around :) I will try to post our results as they happen. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness

Take a look at Thomas sharing kindness around the house by tidying up and helping his friend Lyra!
Great Job Thomas!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Early Entry

We have started "Early Entry" at school. Everyone in 2/3 Plante must enter the school through the Primary Doors when they arrive at school. There will be door monitors ready to open the doors for students. Our class is very comfortable with our morning routine and Early Entry is an excellent opportunity for kids to be settled and prepared for the start of the day at 9:00 a.m.  In the classroom, students have an opportunity to: draw, read, play math card and dice games, as well as chat and begin to prepare for the start of the day.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Creating Number Lines

We were very busy today creating our own number lines. Take a look! The guidelines we follow are listed below:

~ number lines always have a starting and ending number.
~ the numbers on a number line should always be spaced out evenly

Monday, November 2, 2015

Blog Registrations

Thank you to those who have registered for our classroom blog via email. I have noticed a surge in page views which is fantastic! If you are registered but continue see reminders or notes to register in the agenda please ignore them. I am unable to see exactly who has registered so my reminders need to go to everyone in the class. If you are having trouble registering I can help if you send me your preferred email address. I can register from the computers at school.

Thank you for supporting your child.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Oh That Big Bad Wolf!

The students are putting the finishing touches on their 'Wanted Posters'. They look great!
Students were asked to include these important features:

  • The words WANTED in bold print
  • Reward Information
  • Contact Information
  • Picture
  • Description of why the wolf is wanted.

Skip Counting on Number Lines

Today day we used traditional number lines (and playdoh) to practice our skip counting. All student must know how to skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s and 25s up to 200. All students must also know how to count backwards (by different intervals) from 50-0.  While you are walking, driving, cooking, etc....try and quiz your child by asking the following types of questions.

"Start @ (......), Count on by (2s,5s,10s...) Stop @ (......)."

Today we practiced:
"Start @ 5, Count on by 5s. Stop @ 40"
"Start @ 40, Count back by 5s. Sop @ 10"
"Start @ 6, Count on by 3s. Stop at 33"

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Patterning (in numbers) and Place Value

We have started to focus on a new strand in Mathematics. For the next few weeks we will be working on the strand of Number Sense. Our topics will include:

  • Reading, representing and comparing whole numbers to 100
  • Counting forward to 200 by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s and 25s.
  • Counting backwards from 50 by 1s
  • Counting backwards from 100 by 10
  • Locating numbers on a full number line (1-100) and a partial number line. 
  • Here we are making groups of 5 and 10 to help count a large amount.

Media Literacy

For Media Literacy we have been learning the features for a 'Wanted Poster'. Currently our class is designing Wanted Posters for THE BIG BAD WOLF. Take a look at some works in progress.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Math tests don't look like they use to... (Thank God!)

Today our class completed an assessment for Data Management. The task had 4 components.

1. Generate a survey question
2. Survey 15 people and make a tally chart.
3. Organize & show data more than one way
4. Interpret the data and write observations. 

Everyone was excited and enjoyed the challenge. Ask your child about their survey question.

Here we are collecting data from 2/3 Capaldi:

We are working hard to organize and show our data more than one way: