Thursday, October 2, 2014

Numeracy PALS - Orange note

Yesterday an orange note went home advertising Numeracy PALS.  This program is excellent, free and has been proven to be highly effective with improving basic Numeracy facts in addition and subtraction.
The Ontario Curriculum (for grade 3) states that by the end of grade 3 students will....

  • solve problems involving the addition and subtracting of single and multi-digit whole numbers, using a variety of strategies.
Numeracy PALS targets this goal specifically! Students will practice single and double digit addition and subtraction with and with out re-grouping. The better students become with this skill and the faster and more automatic the answers become will only lead to more success in Numeracy. As the year progresses we will be moving into multiplication. Having a strong understanding of both addition and subtraction (with and without re-grouping) will only help your children master their multiplication facts.

Please consider allowing your child to participate in this valuable program.
Thank you to those of you who have already returned the orange slips.

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