Monday, April 28, 2014

Medieval Day Information

Medieval Day

On Wednesday April 30th, we will be celebrating ancient civilizations with our very own Medieval Day Celebration! Students will get the chance to travel back in time to the Medieval Era and enjoy an educational and interactive day of fun. In the morning, students will rotate through a variety of activity stations geared towards Medieval Times. Each station is created to highlight different aspects of ‘daily living’ during the Medieval time period. To help keep the day authentic, all students will be encouraged to ‘dress the part’ in the medieval style of dress. We have discussed different ways to turn our everyday clothes into the medieval style clothing. Students know to look around the house for different options and are encouraged to use creativity and not cash to enhance their looks. Prior to our event, students will draw their roles as either Royalty (kings and lords), Clergy (monks, nuns, or abbots), Knights, or Peasants. We are looking for some parent volunteers who would be interested in assisting with the morning portion of our day (approx. 8:45-11:45). Parents are needed to accompany and assist students at various stations. Traditionally, one of the stations is reserved for group and individual photo’s. The kids have a lot of fun dressing and posing. If you have a camera and would like to assist with this station we will develop the photo’s and distribute them to the students. If you are interested in volunteering please send a note via agenda with your phone number and we will be in contact. For the afternoon portion of our day we will welcome Windsor’s own “Medieval Man”. Jay McKee, is a historian with endless knowledge about Medieval history. His presentation is engaging and very informative. He also brings many artifacts, weapons and equipment from the era. After his presentation, Medieval Man always allows the students to have some hands on time with his fantastic Medieval display. We are asking for a $2.00 donation to help cover the cost of our guest speaker. Parents are welcome to join us for the presentation. It will begin at approximately 12:45 pm. Thank you, Mr. Cowan Mrs. Plante

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