Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Books! Books! Books!

We are beginning to use the Chromebooks in our classroom! We are starting by using them daily during independent reading. Each student will have a session where they are introduced to the Chromebook. If you have a tablet at home you can help your child by allowing them (with supervision) to go to our Classroom Blog and practice clicking on links, closing an opening tabs (across the top), using the forward and back arrows to move through different screens. Please take some time to explore our new LINKS posted along the right hand side of our Blog. They are for TUMBLE BOOKS and TUMBLE BOOKS MOBILE. Both links will allows student to search through a wide variety of reading selections from books, to audio books, and even Kids Comic Books.

We will be accessing Tumblebooks in the classroom so any extra help and practice they can get from home will allow them to become independent faster.

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