Friday, February 26, 2016

Lonnie For License "Make and Bake"

We have been learning how to read and write instructions as well as follow different procedures. Today we had a great time 'making' and 'baking' a variety of items for our classmates to enjoy. Take a look at the pictures and ask your child about the fun!

Counting change to 100 cents.

When working with money, the grade 2 students have to be able to:
  • Make different amounts of money that range between 10 cents and 100 cents.
  • Count up (make change) to 100 cents.
Here is an example of what we do in class.

Teacher:"Can someone please count out the money that you see here."
Student: "I count 40 cents."
Teacher:"Yes, I also see 40 cents. Can someone else please tell me how much more money we would need to get to 100 cents?"
Student:"You would need 60 cents to get to 100 cents. I know this because I skip counted by 10s from 40 cents to 100 cents. 

It is very important for kids to practice counting by 5s and 10s from different starting points (...start at 15 count by 10's to 100). 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lenten Good Deeds

We have talked in class quite a bit about using Lent as an opportunity to get closer to God by trying to be more like Him. We have started using a Good Deeds Tracker where everyone gets the chance to reflect and think about how they've helped others. Each coloured panel of the stained glass window represents 1 good deed.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Day the Crayons Quit!

There are so many ways to enjoy a good story now a days! Please enjoy this short recorded performance of a class showing us exactly how crayons can feel.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Today in Literacy we discussed how authors and illustrators work together to allow the reader to see what characters are feeling. In our mentor text "The Day the Crayons Quit" each crayon has something important to say! Their voices are what make the story enjoyable. As a small activity this morning we practiced creating a variety of feelings with the whiteboards and markers.
Take a look!




Thursday, February 18, 2016


We have started playing with money! All grade 2 students will need to know how to make 100 cents using nickels, dimes and quarters. Here are a few examples of how we practice in class. Please practice at home with your spare change. Students will also have  to count different amounts of change between 10 cents and 100 cents. Please supervise your child while watching the video's as the links/video's that follow are not helpful for our Math class. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Canadian Coins!

Today we started learning about Canadian coins. Both grades will need to identify by name and know the value of each Canadian coin. Students will also need to make $1.00 a variety of different ways. To begin our lesson today the class watched these 2 video. One video uses song to explain the value of most coins while the second video explains the heritage behind the images present on each coin.

Please enjoy them as you continue to work with your child on learning about Canadian coins.


I have added a new like to our list of helpful resources. We will start using ABC.YA in class and there are many ways students can use this same resource at home.

Take a look!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Family Day

Enjoy the wonderful day with your family! I know I will. See you all tomorrow.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

2D creations

Take a look at the different creations that the kids built using 2D transparent shapes. They really enjoy using the document camera. It gives them the chance to show their work to the entire class. It is a real confidence builder!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Our Class Lenten Project

For Lent this year, our class will be taking on a special project. We will be collecting Milk bags for approximately the next 6 weeks. The milk bags can be sent to school at anytime. We will also have a collection bag set up in the front hall to make it very easy for others to help us out as well. Once the milk bags are collected they will be collected and crocheted into sleeping mats, pillows and school bags. Everything created from our milk bags will be shipped to Haiti for those in need. The class is ready to take on this challenge. Who knew that something we see as waste could be turned into something so valuable!

Thank you in advance for your support.

After our presentation on Friday from Miss. Grace many of the students were curious about how the milk bags were converted into sleeping mats, pillows and school bags. Please watch this video with your child. It does a good job of showing the work, time and effort involved in making these useful items. They may need some help with the reading! Thank you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ash Wednesday HD

Please watch this short video about Ash Wednesday. Today everyone at school received ashes at Mass in our gym. All students were also asked about their Lenten Promises. Tonight, please talk with your child about possible Lenten Promises.

We used the following points as helpers in class today.

  • Is my Lenten Promise realistic?
  • Is my Lenten Promise helpful to others?
  • Is my Lenten Promise challenging but not impossible?
  • Does my Lenten Promise give me more time to Think about Jesus and pray?

Chromebook time!

Today the class used the Chromebooks to explore the EPIC! BOOKS website. EPIC! has been described as NETFLIX for books. Students (when they are at school) can login into my FREE teacher account. Once logged in they have access to thousands of books on a wide variety of subjects and topics. They have a large selection of both non-fiction and fiction books for every level of reader. They also have many 'read to me' options so students can have the stories read to them as they follow along. This is an excellent resource and we will be using it frequently at school during independent reading time. If you are interested, EPIC! offers a subscription service for famiiles ($4.99/month). If you are interested, check out the link for more information. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

White Boards

One of the best tools we have in the classroom is our personal white boards. We use them often and it is valuable in the sense that it gives each student an opportunity to truly participate in whole group lessons. It allows each student to share their learning in a way that everyone can see. It also helps students stay focused and engaged. They know that they are the only ones responsible for the work they produce on their white boards which gives them a larger sense of responsibility. Below we are using the white boards to classify and organize shapes.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Technical Difficulties

I am sorry that some of you cannot view/hear the audio recordings from our 6 panel stories. I a working on fixing the situation. Thank you for your patience.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Tumble Books and Library Cards

Please be aware that the TumbleBooks Links  will have to be accessed through the Windsor Public Library Site ( For full access to the large variety of books, students will need to use a library card. Library Cards are free for ANYONE in the city who wishes to have one. Kids can also get their own library cards granted an adult signs the registration form for them. Windsor Public Library Cards are very easy to get. Simply show up at ANY Windsor Public Library with proof of address and speak to one of the employees. They will be happy to assist you.

While at school, the class will always have access to TumbleBooks because I will log them in using my library card information.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Books! Books! Books!

We are beginning to use the Chromebooks in our classroom! We are starting by using them daily during independent reading. Each student will have a session where they are introduced to the Chromebook. If you have a tablet at home you can help your child by allowing them (with supervision) to go to our Classroom Blog and practice clicking on links, closing an opening tabs (across the top), using the forward and back arrows to move through different screens. Please take some time to explore our new LINKS posted along the right hand side of our Blog. They are for TUMBLE BOOKS and TUMBLE BOOKS MOBILE. Both links will allows student to search through a wide variety of reading selections from books, to audio books, and even Kids Comic Books.

We will be accessing Tumblebooks in the classroom so any extra help and practice they can get from home will allow them to become independent faster.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Parallel Lines

Today we tried to find parallel lines in shapes. We talked about how you can use 2 rulers to help you decide if lines in a shape are parallel or not. Check out the kids in action!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Geometry songs

We have been very busy studying 2D shapes for the past week or so. We have been learning their names and all about their special features.  We have especially been looking at:

  • How many sides a shape can have
  • How many vertices (corners) a shape can have
  • How many angles a shape can have
  • The types of angles a shape can have (right angle, larger than a right angle, smaller than a right angle)
  • The name of the shape
  • The type of lines a shape can have (straight or curved)
Today we got a little more specific and started to look for parallel lines. Here are a few fun video clips we watched in class today. Please watch them with your child and have them show you what they know. 

Here are a few photo's that show what we were doing today.