Tuesday, May 6, 2014

We Need To Talk 'Student Series'

Please read the following post regarding the "We Need To Talk - Student Series". At the bottom of the post there is mention of Paul Davis' social networking safety presentation at Holy Names Secondary School on June 2nd. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Dear Parents,

The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board recently launched a series of awareness newsletters entitled, “We Need To Talk” (Parent Series).  The intent of the newsletters was to provide you, as parents and guardians, with key information that you can use on a daily basis to assist us in doing all we can to make internet use a safe and useful tool for learning.  These newsletters are still located on our school blog as well as the Board Website.

As an entire Board, we will collectively launch the “We Need To Talk” (Student Series) this month which will focus on Cyber Bullying, Sexting, and Profile Protection; with students in Grades 4-8 taking part in a system wide, three-part series on internet safety.  The information covered will be made available to you on our School/Class website.

All of our lessons and conversations with your children are rooted in and explained from a Catholic perspective.  We believe this is foundational in all that we do on a daily basis.  Moreover, we believe it is crucial to not ‘sugar coat’ the discussion nor the potential consequences possible with the inappropriate use of technology.  These consequences have the potential to bring a life-altering impact to all those involved.

Let us engage our children with love and respect. In so doing, we will promote self-confidence and self- respect. These are the two critical components to the well being of our children. We trust that you will agree and that you will join us in this most important venture.
Cyberbullying Adult Tools Come with Adult Consequences
Sexting You Can’t Unsend
Online Responsibility You Post it, You Own it

Video Resources:

Parent Presentation:
On Monday, June 2 at 7 p.m. Paul Davis (http://socialnetworkingsafety.net/sample-page/) will be speaking to a ‘parents only’ audience in the Auditorium at Holy Names Secondary. This is a very informative and impactful presentation that you are all highly encouraged to attend.  All are welcome.

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