Friday, December 6, 2013

Tales From The Tank! - Student Edition #2

We spent some time in the Learning PIT last week sharpening our researching skills online. Student were asked to locate sites that provided valuable information about Platy's.

Did you know  that.....
1. 1 platy fish means that you need 1 galon of water.
2. Sometimes you can not have one adult platy fish with a baby platy fish because the adult might attack the baby platy fish.
3. If you do not want baby platy fish then do not get a male and feamale.
4. If you are looking to get a platy fish you should read on line how to take care of them.
5. You should start of with one platy fish to see how good you take care of them.
There are some tips of how to take care of platy fish.

1.Did you know you can only  put one platy per 1 gallon of water?
2.A platy is also a tropical kind of  fish.
3. When you see a clear baby platy fish it will get it's couler in 4 week's.
4. Did you know that a platy's life plane is 2-3  years?
5. Did you know that platy's are 2 inches long, that's 5 cm.

1.Baby platy fish's colour comes 3 to 4 weeks.

2.Our black fish is a balloon belly fish.

3.Our 10 gallon fish tank is enough room for 6 fish

4.Platy fish can have more than 2 colour`s on their body`s

5.Platy fish like to swim around in the water or through the opsticles.Mostly through the opsticles.

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