Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tales from The Tank - Student Edition #1

Here are a few summaries of how we ended up naming our 'baby' fish. For now, the blog entries are pre-read but not edited. As the student become comfortable with posting I will increase their expectations and develop a blog editing team.

Naming The Fish!
Today we named the baby fish.In order to do it we all battled in rock,paper,scissers.
Atomaticly Nicholas moved on to the finals,the last two who were versing was Owen vs Evan.
Evan moved on to Nicholas,and Nicholas won!!!!! So Nicholas chose the name Cho!

Naming The Fish!
There is four fish in our classroom tank Ben Liam and Cho.Nick won with the name Cho for the baby we did rock paper sicors games to see who won for the baby . Evan made it into the finals to.

Naming The Fish!

In mrs.plants grade 4 class there are 4 fish, we named them Noel,Liam,Ben and well the babys name we picked by putting our ideas of names on a piece of paper each,and we played rock,paper,scisors tp pick and it all came down to Justin Timberlake and Cho. It was Owen and Nick battling and....NICK WON!
The babys name is Cho!

Naming The Fish! 
We have a sheet we named our fish. We did a draw and rock, paper, scissors. Who ever won gos to 2 round. But there are 4 rounds and the fish is named Cho.

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