When working with money, the grade 2 students have to be able to:
- Make different amounts of money that range between 10 cents and 100 cents.
- Count up (make change) to 100 cents.
Here is an example of what we do in class.
Teacher:"Can someone please count out the money that you see here."
Student: "I count 40 cents."
Teacher:"Yes, I also see 40 cents. Can someone else please tell me how much more money we would need to get to 100 cents?"
Student:"You would need 60 cents to get to 100 cents. I know this because I skip counted by 10s from 40 cents to 100 cents.
It is very important for kids to practice counting by 5s and 10s from different starting points (...start at 15 count by 10's to 100).