Friday, March 27, 2015

Yellow Eyed Penguins!

We have been reading different texts to see if we can determine the Main Idea. Also, we have been looking to support those Main Ideas with evidence or supporting facts. Today we read about the Yellow Eyed Penguin. The text selection led us to this fantastic website! The class loved looking at all it had to offer. On nights when reading from a book just doesn't feel right. Hop online and read some amazing facts about animals courtesy of National Geographic Kids!

National Geographic Kids Online

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Making Change with Canadian Money

Please follow the link below for a great interactive Math game that allows students to practice making change. You can adjust some of the features to allow for more guidance or greater independence.

Making Change with Mr. Nussbaum

 Making Change with FunBrain

By the end of grade 3 students need to be able to:

~identify, count and represent different money amounts to $10.00
~Add and Subtract money
~Make change
~identify the relationship between coins (1 Loonie = 4 quarters)