Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Composting Video's

Today we started to learn about composting. Soon, the students will be creating posters to advertise & raise awareness about the importance of composting. Enjoy this short video.

Happy Days Ahead!

In September, at our first school Mass the Deacon asked us a very simple question. He asked us, "What can you do to make Jesus happy today?". He listened attentively to what each student had to say and then encouraged each of us to think about that question when we wake up in the morning. He asked us to think about that question when the school bell rings, and outside on the playground. If we think about doing things and making choices to please Jesus, then we are surely on the right path. Our homes, classrooms and playgrounds will be safe and special places. In our classroom I have dedicated a small board to this idea. Students filled out sticky notes and shared with one another what they were going to try and do to 'Make Jesus Smile'. Take a look!

So ask yourself! What can you do today to make Jesus HAPPY? 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Remembrance Day - We Remember!

Image result for tales of animals in war poster

This week and throughout November we will continue to focus on Remembrance Day and what it means in Canada.  Please visit the following links to see what we have been discussing. This year we are learning about the role that animals have played during times of war. I know you will be surprised at a few!

Tales of Animals Newspaper

Tales of Animals in War POSTER (full size)

Tales of Animals - Text/Description

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Science of Soil

Today we spent some of the morning taking a closer look at soil. The students paired up and were able to use magnifying glasses to take a super close up look at more than one soil sample.  We've discussed in previous lessons that soil always contains both living and non-living things. Today the students discovered the following items in their soil samples:

sticks, roots, pieces of leaves, large soil clumps, tiny rocks, fertilizer, insects (living), insects (dead), hair, water (moisture).

Everyone enjoyed using the magnifying glasses. Hopefully later on this week we'll get the chance to take them outside.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Fundraising Foxes!

Our Fundraising efforts were successful! We will be celebrating as a school at tomorrow's assembly in the gym. Students, take a look at the fox poster to see what foxes you were able to win!

Below are our successful fundraisers! Way to go.

Number Patterns

Our class continues to look at growing and shrinking number patterns in math. We have been looking at different patterns for a few weeks now and are ready to really put our new knowledge into practice. Below is an example of an 'OPEN QUESTION'. It requires each student to create a pattern but they have the freedom to choose what kind of pattern. This way, anyone can be successful and not feel intimidated because they get to be in charge of their own pattern numbers. They can choose if they want their pattern to grow by many numbers or few numbers.

This is the question everyone was expected to answer.

Mali's rule is...Start at 0 count on by 1s.

Gracie's rule is...Start at 0. Count on by 5s.

Nrec's rule is...Start at 0. Count on by 2s each time.

Aries' rule is...Start at 0. Count on by 10 each time.

Brayden's rule is ...Start at 0. Count on by 20s each time.

Braydee's rule is...Start at 0. Count on by 3s each time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Estimation Challenge #3

For our third Estimation Challenge we estimated a very familiar building tool, the straws from our straws and connector kit. We had amazing results! Devon guessed one short of our total, and the rest of the crew photographed were less than 5 away from our total. Great Estimation Power Grade 3!