Friday, January 29, 2016

Check out our Doc cam in action

The school recently purchased a document camera for classrooms to use. We have been using it quite frequently and the students are adjusting very well to this new piece of technology. The document camera allows student's to project their work onto our video screen so everyone can take a good look. It really helps the kids work with one another.
Below, Thomas and Dominic are describing their 2D figures.

Monday, January 11, 2016


We We have started looking at changes in temperature and how it affects us in our daily lives. Thankfully we had some nice cold snow to help us! We used the benchmark of 0 to see how thermometers react in both cold and warm temperatures.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Take a look at how much fun we had at the Park House Museum.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Welcome 2016!

I hope everyone had a safe and restful Christmas Break. Currently the class is working on 'Listing' their TOP 10 Christmas Break Events...Letterman style. It seems as if many were excited about being able to sleep in and staying up late enough to watch the 'ball drop'! 
We will also be focusing on writing and reading instructions over the next few weeks. Just before Christmas we had the opportunity to see a 'traditional ' Christmas at the Park House Museum. I will be posting pictures shortly for you to enjoy!