Sunday, June 15, 2014

June is moving right along!

As we continue to move through June there are a few things that will need to be taken care of. I am looking for a permanent home for our classroom fish tank. The PetSmart grant I obtained at the beginning of the year covered a majority of the expenses so I am happy to offer the tank, fish and all accessories to anyone interested at no cost. If more than one family is interested then we will have a random draw to determine who the lucky one will be.  If you are interested please let me know via note or agenda and I will keep you posted.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Medieval Day Pictures


Medieval Day drop box

All of the Medieval Day photo's are posted in the link above.  Please save or print any photo's at your convenience. This drop box link will be taken down on the last day of school. If you have any questions please let me know.

Random Acts of Kindness

During Catholic Education Week our class read a story that told a familiar tale of exclusion. The main character reflected (in hind sight) that little acts if kindness along the way would have been a better alternative. As a follow up activity our class decided to choose simple 'random acts of kindness' that were shared with other classes in the school. Look at the pictures below to see what we did!
These 4 created and performed a 'mini-circus' complete with juggling and acrobatics for the grade one students.

This group created a 'surprise' fun recess for all primary students to enjoy!

These students opted to engage in some 'free play' with our jk/sk students.

These last groups shared laughter by telling jokes! 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

PAWS for reading contest winner!

Congratulations go out to Ophelia Piasentin for winning Scholastic Canada's PAWS for reading contest! Ophelia's entry was one of ten chosen across Canada. We are very thankful and proud of her accomplishments. Her prizes included a digital camera, $100.00 animal shelter donation and a box of animal related books for her family and the classroom! Way to Go O!

Weekend Reading

Next week, We will be discussing conception and fetal development through to 9 months. I have asked each student to bring home their Fully Alive text should anyone want to preview, or pre-read the selections prior to our class discussions. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me via agenda or by phone.

pg  45 (conception)
pg. 51-54 (fetal development)
pg. 55-56 (child birth)